10 of the most Important tips To Prevent Lower Back pain Naturally
Do you suffer from lower back pain, then these are some tips that you can apply.
1. Bad posture
Practicing bad posture a day will keep the doctor away, away on vacation that is with all the money he made from your back literally, so make sure you have a good posture throughout today in order to reduce and also to prevent lower back pain.
2. Lose weight
if you are overweight, that extra-weight can put more pressure on your spine, which is not a good thing and can actually cause lower back pain and other joint problems.
3. Exercise your abs and your back
This is mostly because it will help you to maintain good posture, rather than that it actually will prevent pain in the lower back, because lower back pain usually has to do something with the spine rather than with muscles around that area.
4. Avoid bad sleeping positions
One of the main reasons why you used to have lower back pain is because you slept on your stomach, now this is a very unnatural and bad position to sleep in, so rather sleep on your back which is the best position to sleep in, don't use a lot of pillows, make sure that you have a spine that is as neutral as possible.
5. Sleeping on the floor
Sleeping on the floor is probably one of the best ways to prevent lower back pain, because this is the most natural way of sleeping, and this soft surfaces where most people sleep on, so soft mattresses don't get any support to your back.
6. Get a good ergonomic chair
Especially if you sit on the bed a desk all day long, to have a decent chair that supports your lower back and also helps you to get into the natural position and to keep your body as straight as possible.
7. Do some stretching
we're not talking about specific lower back stretches, although there are some decent ones, however most of those don't really do a lot of good rather, focus on others tight muscle groups to judge your abdominals, your glutes, your hamstrings, and your hip muscles.
8. Get some flat shoes
This is one of the best ways to work, and that is because if you have high heels then you're slightly leaning forward putting more pressure on your lower back, but also your hips and your knees.
9.Try to stand up more frequently
Especially if you have a desk job, make sure that at least every half an hour you stand up and go for a short walk.
10. Make sure your are in a good posture before lifting weights
Whenever you have to pick up something even if it's a very light object, make sure to contract the glute muscles, put back your butt, and also contract your abdominal muscles, which will help you to keep your back straight.
So there you have 10 tips that can help you to relief and also prevent lower back pain, if you have some more tips please leave them down in the comments below
10 of the most Important tips To Prevent Lower Back pain Naturally
Reviewed by Unknown

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