Sciatica Nerve: effective cortisone bites only for a short time
Sciatica Nerve: effective cortisone bites only for a short time
Sciatica are often treated with cortisone bites. Cortisone in this case is injected between the meninges of the spinal cord. Researchers have demonstrated with an analysis of scientific studies that pain reduction with cortisone is low and only for a short time.
Typical disorders of sciatica are very annoying pain to the body which start from the lower back spread in a leg (or both). So far, 23 clinical studies compared against a placebo the effect of cortisone bites during sciatic nerves.
Researchers analyzed the results of these studies to determine the real benefit of the cortisone treatment against sciatica.
Researchers graded the troubles of this disease with a scale ranging from 0 (no disability) to 100 (maximum disorder). Treatment consists of cortisone bites was considered effective if it had allowed a reduction at a minimum 10 points disorders on this scale. The researchers focused not only on the effect of the short-term treatment (up to three months), but also long-term (up to one year or more).
After three months, the leg pain was reduced by 6.2 points and corporal genes 3.1. Cortisone had bites by cons no effect on back pain. In addition, the researchers observed no effect stings after more than three months.
So it seems that the cortisone bites provide little benefit and short term against disorders due to sciatica (pain in the back and legs, body genes). That's why researchers are questioning the meaning of this treatment.
Sciatica Nerve: effective cortisone bites only for a short time
Reviewed by Unknown

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