What is scoliosis , and what are the Treatements
What is scoliosis ?
Because your ribs attach to your spine, when the spine rotates, it raises the ribs and creates a rib hump. This is especially noticeable when you bend forward. You may also notice differences in your chest or breast size, your shoulders, or your waist. They may appear uneven. The curve may become larger as you grow.
Curves in the middle of your back that reach 45 to 50 degrees will probably increase throughout life.
If the curve is greater than 70 degrees, it can affect your breathing. Curves in your lower back that reach 35 to 40 degrees may also get larger throughout life.
In most cases, we don't know what causes scoliosis, and we call that "Idiopathic Scoliosis." Scoliosis does not come from carrying something heavy like your backpack or from bad posture.
Scoliosis does not cause back pain in most patients.
Treatement of scoliosis
There are many treatments for scoliosis, Your doctor will consider:
- the size and type of your curve,
- how much growing you have left to do,
- and if you have any other medical conditions.
Many times, treatment includes watching your curve, and also regularly getting an X-ray.
Sometimes, wearing a brace is effective for curves between 20 and 40 degrees in children who are growing. But wearing a brace does not make the curve smaller, The goal is to prevent a curve from progressing or getting bigger.
Many families ask about alternative treatments. Physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic care can help some people with back pain. But there is currently no good scientific evidence showing they can prevent progression of a curve or improve the curve.
Discuss these therapies with your provider. For larger curves, your doctor might recommend surgery. No matter how your doctor treats your scoliosis, don't let it stop you from being active or participating in sports or other activities you enjoy. Follow your doctor's instructions and call the spine nurses if you have any questions.
What is scoliosis , and what are the Treatements
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