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Possible causes of back pain amoung Teens and children

While adults may have spinal injuries involving rupture, protrusion, or slip, and compression, these problems are rare in children. Nevertheless, as children get older and the body mature, it becomes more likely that an injury to the spinal discs can happen and result in back pain.

Causes of back pain that tend to happen in older children:

  • Spondylolisthesis. Sometimes, another wound can be found as spondylolisthesis, "slippage" of one vertebra on another. This condition may advance through adolescence, and if it causes instability and back pain, it may require a spinal fusion surgery later.
  • Disc damage and vertebral fractures. Adolescents have a tendency to punish their spines by gymnastics or extreme sports (like skateboard, roller blading and cycling green) frequently will land very hard on their feet or buttocks. Anyway, the force is transmitted to their spine, which can cause a spinal fracture and / or damage to the spinal discs.
  • Spondylolysis. Such as sporting events for children are becoming more competitive and more professional, certain types of injuries resulting in back pain tended to rise. Spondylolysis, a defect in the seal between the vertebral bones, is frequently found. Those tending to hyperextender their back (bending over backwards), such as gymnasts. This injury can really be a stressful fracture and period of rest and recovery can be extended - for up to 4 to 6 weeks.

Reasons of back pain that may occur among younger or older kids:

  • Infection. The diagnosis of infection of the spine (discitis) in children is a constant concern of doctors. An infection of the vertebral column is of high consequence and requires rapid diagnosis. Diagnosis of infection is usually done with the assistance of a good physical examination and laboratory data. A sign of inflammation can be present (e.g. redness, swelling), even at the level of the skin. Radiographic studies are often normal. The treatment can consist antibiotics if the bacteria appear to be the source of infection. Once again prolonged rest is the the primary treatment of back pain for infection.
  • Tumor. Another critical consideration for pediatricians treating back pain of a child's potential for a tumor in the spine. Fortunately, back pain caused by a of the vertebral column tumor is a very rare event. As with the infection of the vertebral column, the diagnosis of back pain depends on obtaining a correct medical history, physical examination and the suspicious nature of doctors when they may not otherwise get a satisfactory diagnosis to explain back pain or other symptoms. Treatment depends on new final diagnosis and expertise of several subspecialties.

Backpacks & back pain in children and adolescents

Significantly, pediatricians are beginning to see a new kind of injury among school age children and adolescents are becoming more common: injuries by overuse and back fatigue caused by carrying backpacks that are too heavy. Often backpacks can match 20% to 40% of body weight of the child (equivalent to an adult 150 pounds wearing a backpack of 30 to 60 pounds 5 days per week). This amount of weight, understandably, creates a lot of tension on the spine of the child. An additional strain that can cause back pain comes from children and adolescents with their backpacks on one shoulder, causing unequal load on the spine.

careful diagnostic process back pain in children and adolescents

As you might have noticed, rest along with personal care of symptoms seem to be the answer to most diagnoses. It is because the majority of back pain problems among children are associated with soft tissue injuries (such as muscles, ligaments and tendons), which is often caused by overuse or strain.

The surgery for back pain among children is very rare, and is usually regarded as the most serious cases. If the child's pain is severe, and he or she has trouble functioning, and back surgery may be considered.

More importantly, a careful process of elimination medically most important causes of back pain (such as a tumor, infection, fracture) should always precede any therapeutic for the treatment of back pain among children and adolescents.

Possible causes of back pain amoung Teens and children Possible causes of back pain amoung Teens and children Reviewed by Unknown on 11/02/2016 Rating: 5

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