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How can Massage Help your Back problem

Can Massage Help your Back ?

For many people, the answer is maybe "yes", because the massage is non-invasive and considered very low risk for many people. Besides the physical benefits, it was shown certain types of massage to help psychologically through relaxation and increase the production of "endorphins" chemicals that the body produces naturally - Useful for people to both acute back problems and chronic back pain. This bulletin explains why massage can be good for you.

Benefits of Massage

Massage therapy is becoming more  accepted in the medical community as a credible treatment for many types of back pain and / or complement to other medical treatments. Research shows that massage therapy has several potential health benefits for people suffering from back pain, including:

  • Reduction of tension in the muscles. This muscle relaxation can improve flexibility, reduce pain caused by strained muscles and even improve sleep.
  • the increased endorphin levels - the "feeling good"  in the brain. This mood enhancer can relieve depression and anxiety, which can help to reduce pain and speed recovery - especially important for those suffering from back problems or chronic neck.
  • Increased flow and blood circulation, which brings the necessary nutrition to muscles and tissues. This facilitates recovery of muscle pain physical activity or injury of soft tissue (such as muscle fatigue).

Massage Therapy can help many back problems

Many health care providers say they will encourage their patients to pursue massage therapy in addition to medical treatment. If necessary, you can ask your doctor for a referral to a professional in your region massage therapy. In addition, the Web American Massage Therapy Association website has a directory of massage therapy professionals trained and certified in:  www.amtamassage.org

There are many back problems that can benefit from massage therapy, including:

  • muscle strain in the lower or upper back / neck. Most episodes of acute back pain are caused by muscle tension, such as lifting a heavy things, a fall or a sudden movement . Pain in the lower back can be very severe and last several hours, days or even weeks. When back muscles are strained or torn, the area around the muscles can become inflamed. With inflammation, back muscles can spasm and cause both severe pain and difficulty moving the lower back. The large upper back muscles are also prone to irritation, or because of air conditioning (lack of power) or overuse injuries (like repetitive movements). the upper back pain may also be due to a specific event, such as a muscle strain, sports injuries, or a car accident. Massage can help to work on the spasm / irritation and improve range of motion.
  • Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia can affect people differently, but is usually characterized by pain, stiffness, fatigue and / or non-restorative sleep. The patient usually feels both widespread pain and pain in "hot spots" as evidenced by specific physical examination. Massage can target both tender points and pain and most widely distributed stiffness.
  • Osteoarthritis of the spine. spinal arthritis is the breakdown of cartilage between the alignment facet joints in the back of the spine. Facet joints become inflamed degeneration and progressive joint pain creates more friction as the bone rubs against bone. Therapeutic massage can help reduce the pain of osteoarthritis by improving circulation and reducing stress and muscle tension. However, it is important to find a professional who is trained to treat people with arthritis.
Although massage is relatively safe, it is always advisable for patients first confirm with their doctor before beginning massage therapy or other treatment. There are some cons-indications for massage therapy, such as : Recent surgery; infectious skin disease, rash, or an unhealed wound; varicose veins; and osteoporosis.

Massage therapy treatments for Neck and back Pain, what's involved?

A matter patients often ask is: What type of massage should I try? For overall circulation and relaxation, a lot of patients find the Swedish massage useful. This technique is characterized by sliding long shots and kneading movements. For specific pain points, such as a muscle strain in the lower back, the American Academy of Pain Management recognizes neuromuscular therapy ( myotherapy trigger point) as an useful treatment. Shiatsu massage is a popular technique that uses some of the elements of neuromuscular therapy.

By neuromuscular therapy, the therapist applies concentrated pressure levels (10-30 seconds) to the areas of muscle spasms alternately. The patient will feel some pain or discomfort from the pressure, but the muscle spasm should to be reduced after the massage. All the pain of the pressure should fade in 1-3 days, and the muscles that have been worked should be less tight for a week or two after. A typical program of massage therapy for muscle spasms consists of 4 sessions  more than 6 weeks.

Alternatives to massage Hands-on

What if the recurring appointments with a therapist are just not practical for you? Because of things like busy schedules, the time to travel for a good massage therapist in your area, or something privacy, get a massage hands-on can not simply work for your lifestyle. Although not an exact substitute for the human touch, there may be alternatives. There are many therapeutic products available for use at home, such as handheld massagers and massage pillows, which are designed in order to imitate some of the techniques used by massage therapists. For who had experienced significant pain relief massage and who are interested in investing in a product that offers comprehensive, the massage-like benefits, a massage chair may be an option. Most massage chairs are made to mimic the Shiatsu and Swedish massage techniques, which makes them potentially useful for specific points of pain in the back or neck and for overall relaxation. Learn more about massage chairs to ease the pain.

How can Massage Help your Back problem How can Massage Help your Back problem Reviewed by Unknown on 10/27/2016 Rating: 5

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