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6 Major Causes of sciatica

Many low back pain can cause sciatica. Sciatica is often represented as mild to severe pain in the left or right leg. Sciatica caused by compression of one or more of the 5 sets of nerve roots in the lumbar area. Doctors sometimes describe sciatic radiculopathy. Radiculopathy is a medical term used to describe pain, numbness, tingling and weakness in the arms or legs caused by a problem in the nerve root. If the problem is the nerve in the neck is called cervical radiculopathy. However, since sciatica affects the lower back, it is called a lumbar radiculopathy.

Lumbargia (lower back) can cause sciatica. Sciatica is often described as mild to severe pain in the left or right leg. Sciatica is caused by compression of one or more of the 5 sets of nerve roots in the lower back. Sometimes doctors call sciatica a radiculopathy. Radiculopathy is a medical term used to describe pain, numbness, tingling and weakness in the arms or legs caused by a problem in the nerve root. If the problem is the nerves in the neck is called cervical radiculopathy. However, since sciatica affects the lower back, it is called a lumbar radiculopathy.

Pathologies of sciatic nerve pain

Five sets of nerve root pairs in the lumbar spine combine to create the sciatic nerve. Starting at the back of the pelvis (sacrum), the sciatic nerve extends from the back, under the buttock and down through the hip area on each leg. The roots of the nerves are not "solitary," but structures are part of the entire nervous system of the body capable of transmitting pain and sensation to other parts of the body. Radiculopathy occurs when compression of a nerve root from a rupture disk (herniated disc) or a bone spur (osteophytes) occurs in the lumbar spine before joining the sciatic nerve.

What causes sciatic nerve compression?

Various disorders of the spine can cause compression of the spinal nerve and sciatica or lumbar radiculopathy. 6 The most common are:

  • spondylolisthesis
  • A herniated disc or herniated disc
  • trauma
  • piriformis syndrome
  • spinal tumors
  • Spinal stenosis

Sciatica Common Cause 1: Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a nerve compression disorder that mainly affects the elderly. A pain similar to the legs of sciatica can occur due to lumbar spinal stenosis. The pain is usually positional, often caused by activities such as standing or walking and is relieved by sitting down.

The roots of the spinal nerve branch outside the spinal cord are strong neurons called passages made up of bones and ligaments. Between each set of vertebral bodies, located on the left and right sides, there is a hole. Nerve roots pass through these openings and extend beyond the spine to innervate other parts of the body. When these ducts become narrowed or obstructed causing compression of the nerve, the term foramen stenosis is used.

Sciatica Common Cause # 2: Tumors of the Spine

Tumors of the spine are abnormal growths are benign or cancerous (malignant). Fortunately, tumors of the spine are rare. However, when a spinal tumor develops in the lumbar region, there is a risk for sciatica to develop due to nerve compression.

Common sciatica # 3: Piriformis syndrome

Piriformis syndrome is so called by the pyramidal muscle of the pelvis and pain caused when the muscle is irritated by the sciatic nerve. Piriformis is found in the lower part of the spine, connects to the femur, and helps the rotation of the hip. The sciatic nerve extends below the piriformis muscle. Pyriform syndrome develops when muscle spasms develop in the pyramidal muscle thus compressing the sciatic nerve. It can be difficult to diagnose and treat due to lack of X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Common Sciatica Cause # 4: Spondylolisthesis

Spondylolisthesis is a disorder that most commonly affects the lumbar spine. It is characterized by a forward vertebra gliding over an adjacent vertebra. When a vertebra moves and moves, compression of the spinal nerve root occurs and often causes pain in the sciatic leg. Spondylolisthesis is categorized as developmental (found at birth, develops in infancy) or degeneration of the spine, trauma or physical stress (eg, weightlifting) acquired.

Sciatica causes # 5: lumbar disc or disk herniation

A herniated disc is also known as a disk content disorder. This means that the gelatinous center (nucleus pulposus) remains "contained" within the outer wall (ring fiber) cover of the disc.

A herniated disc occurs when the nucleus strikes the fibrous annulus. This is called an "uncontained" disorder. The disc swell or herniated disc material can be pressed against an adjacent nerve root and compress the delicate nerve tissue and cause sciatica.

The consequences of a herniated disc are worse. Not only does the herniated disc cause direct compression of the nerve root inside the bone against the spinal canal, but the disc material itself also contains a chemical irritant (hyaluronic acid), which causes inflammation of the nerves. In both cases, nerve compression and irritation causes inflammation and pain, often leading to numbness in the extremities, tingling and muscle weakness.

Sciatica Common Cause # 6: Trauma

Sciatica may be the result of direct nerve compression caused by forces external to the lumbar or sacral nerve roots of the spinal nerve. Examples include traffic accidents, fall, football and other sports. The impact can damage the nerves or, sometimes, fragments of broken bones can compress the nerves.

If you think you have sciatica, call your doctor. The first step towards pain relief is an adequate diagnosis.

6 Major Causes of sciatica 6 Major Causes of sciatica Reviewed by Unknown on 11/03/2016 Rating: 5

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