Sport and Sciatica : it is a Cause or a mean of prevention Of sciatica nerve ?
Sciatic pain about the sport due to irritation or compression of one or more roots of the sciatic nerve, usually by sliding or vertebral pinching. These phenomena are sometimes accompanied by herniation of intervertebral disc, causing sciatica treatment a medical problem.
The static spine is a sum of complex mechanisms (bone, muscle, tendon, nerve) which are doing sometimes antagonistic forces. A physical effort on lumbar mobilize actively as distant muscles abdominals, psoas and paraspinal. The antagonism of these segments, violent distortions during certain sporting gestures explain the vertebral displacement and the onset, sometimes brutal, sciatic pain.
Sports: cause or means of prevention?
Some sports particularly expose to the vertebral accidents:
- The asymmetrical sports such as tennis, golf, squash, badminton are major providers of sciatic pain;
- All sports requiring sudden leg movements and changes, such as rugby or football, are to be practiced with caution, especially after a certain age!
- Sports that bunched the column, such as horseback riding, present some risk.
In fact, any sudden movement and sufficiently anti-natural can cause a vertebral displacement.
Try to limit the risk
Bodybuilding is long-term preventive. It concerns the abdominal and back but also the thighs (quadriceps). It also aims to correct lumbar lordosis (curvature of the spine that is located above the buttocks), whose excesses destabilize the spinal dynamics.
Muscle warm-up is a prerequisite for any athletic activity. It concerns all body segments, with a progressive muscle work, stretching and flexibility.
Wearing a lumbar stabilizer is desirable in any sport alerted from time to time by painful spikes in the buttock or behind the thigh. There are very practical (inflatable and adaptable to stress), that prevent excessive movement of the lumbar spine.
When these little painful signs occur, even transitory, sports abstenttion few days is recommended.
Physiotherapy referred to osteopathic, reducing muscle tension, prevents recidivism or maintenance of a certain number of injuries.
Finally, there are obviously beneficial sports and activities and low suspects of causing sciatic pain: swimming, cycling, rowing, jogging ...
Sport and Sciatica : it is a Cause or a mean of prevention Of sciatica nerve ?
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