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Sciatic nerve stretches

Exercises against Sciatica: 2 sciatic nerve stretches 

In case of contracture or preventive treatment, especially for runners wanting to avoid sciatica, it is possible to practice these two sciatic nerve stretches.

sciatic nerve stretches  pyramid lying down

  • Lying on your back, legs bent, your feet flat on the floor.
  • Bring your right foot on your left knee.
  • Reach under the left knee and pull the chest.
  • 1 time each side, maintain 20-30 seconds

This exercise also helps stretch the muscles of the buttock, especially the gluteus maximus.

sciatic nerve stretches quadrupedal position

  • Take a position with 4 legs.
  • Bring the right foot over left knee.
  • Push the left leg backwards.
  • 1 time each side, maintain 20-30 seconds

Complementing these stretches the pyramidal may also be relieved, as with any muscle contracture, with heat, a hot sauna or a bath for example, and massages. In a more general way to treat back pain, spine should be relaxed at least 3 times a week.

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Sciatic nerve stretches Sciatic nerve stretches Reviewed by Unknown on 10/03/2016 Rating: 5

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