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Home remedies to Relieve Spondylosis pain

Practice  therapy of cold

In case of spondylosis, the cold will reduce the diameter of the blood vessels supplying the spinal column , we are talking about vasoconstriction. In doing so, it is possible to temporarily treat deep pain. To get the cold, you can make an ice bag, buy a frozen gel pack in pharmacy 

  • Any application of cold should not last more than 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Whatever the shape of your ice pack, wrap it in a towel always in order to not burn with the coldness.
  • If you apply the cold, it is unnecessary to first apply an anti-inflammatory ointment.
  • Do not use cold if you have poor blood circulation.

Practice hot therapy

When applied hot on the skin, blood vessels located under the skin dilate (vasodilation), which results to increased blood flow. The pain is alleviated and muscle spasms are less. For hot, buy a heat pack in pharmacy, put hot water in bottles or just prepare compresses by soaking a small towel in hot water

  • You can also take a bath (or shower) warm.
  • Do not stay in the bath or shower more than 15 to 20 minutes.
  • When using a pocket or a compress, never apply hot directly to the skin, put a towel between the two.
  • If you apply the hot, it is unnecessary to first apply an anti-inflammatory ointment.
  • Always check the temperature before application, a burn is so fast arrival. Avoid hot baths if you have high blood pressure or any heart disease.

Take a few days off

In case of spondylosis, rest is sometimes beneficial because the spine is less stressed. Limit your activities, lie down. However, do not stay too long without doing anything, you would get the opposite effect. It must not be more than three days off, just enough time to have less pain
  • Staying too long in bed, you risk deep vein thrombosis or phlebitis, which can lead, following a migration of a blood clot to the upper body of a pulmonary embolism, a potentially fatal.

Practice a regularly physical activity

In case of spondylosis, it is recommended doing a physical activity that will suit your pain. It will help healing. We must try to have the most normal life possible: walk, get up, do other things ... As for sports, you can walk more or less rapid, swimming, cycling, all more or less moderately . Yoga is a practice well adapted to this pathology. Walking practiced regularly gives good results on the cervical or lumbar spondylosis

  • The ideal is to do three sessions of physical activity of thirty minutes each week. You can also complete with basin ups (in position on the back) that strengthen the muscles around the spine.
  • To avoid making any movement, consult a physical therapist or physiotherapist the most interesting movements for the disease you have. He  will decompose the movements that you can play at home every day.

Wearing a neck brace  or a lumbar belt

These supports punctually allow you to reduce the pain. We don't have to take them off  until the pain goes on, never more than one week in a row. The muscles are less stressed then, the effort is supported by the support. By cons, if you wear your brace too long or your belt, your muscles will atrophy and it will be worse.
  • You will find this support (belt, soft neck brace) at your pharmacy or a medical equipment store.

Use a pillow adapted for the night

To mitigate the pain of spondylosis, you can use a pillow which you will place under the head (cervical spondylosis) or legs (lumbar spondylosis). Go to a medical equipment store and explain your case. The seller will present the ergonomic cushion for you. The latter, if it is well chosen, will correct the position of the spine, providing greater comfort and less pain. [8]
  • If you can not find a pillow, which is rare as there is models, you can always take one of your pillows and mold it to have the least painful possible position.

Change your lifestyle

Spondylosis is often the result of a life of negative movements in the spine. Also, if possible, you must change the way you act, avoiding, for example excessive bending or wear too heavy things. Obese and overweight people would benefit from losing some weight in order not to overtax the spine. The smoking has a harmful action on bones, particularly the vertebrae. So it would be good to stop smoking.
  • Remember to keep you straight. Whether sitting or standing, we all tend to keep us wrong. If you suffer from spondylosis, regularly remember to correct your posture. Anyway, in the acute phase, that's what you have to do necessarily.
Home remedies to Relieve Spondylosis pain Home remedies to Relieve Spondylosis pain Reviewed by Unknown on 10/13/2016 Rating: 5

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