Spine pain: Definition, Symptomes, Causes, Treatement for male and female
in this article we will talk about the spine pain , definition ,after we will talk about the symtomes and the causes and some treamtents for females and males
How to define pain in the spine?
the spine is a "bone rod 'that supports the whole body. It includes seven cervical vertebrae in the neck, twelve dorsal vertebrae and five lumbar vertebrae located in the lower back.
These vertebrae are movable articulated relative to each other, thanks to the intervertebral discs, which allow stability and mobility of joints. Many ligaments and muscles maintain the structure.
The pain of the spine are common. They are also called "rachialgies." They may be isolated or radiate a member. They can be diffuse or otherwise localized.
In the vast majority of cases they are benign, related to osteoarthritis of the spine, but it is important to consult your doctor when pain persists. This pain can be indicative of serious diseases (tumor, vascular, inflammatory or infectious).
You should know that back pain as such affects about 80% of adults in their lives. It is a real public health problem whose prevalence continues to increase in 50 years.
What are the associated symptoms of spine pain ?
The causes of pain in the spine, are many. Traumatic, rheumatic or muscular back pain may also be due to a spinal inflammation (spondylitis) as Pott's disease, an inflammation of the joints (spondylolisthesis), inflammation of an intervertebral disc (spondylitis), or a herniated disc even cancer.
A muscle disease such as muscular dystrophy, bone disease causing inflammation of the cartilage are also among the causes of pain in the spinal column of varying intensity.
If the location of the pain is relatively easy, its cause is more difficult to determine and a clinical examination is not enough.
Back pain can be temporary or chronic and sometimes limits the patient's movements. X-ray, CT, MRI, positron enable the practitioner to confirm a diagnosis and to implement appropriate treatment.
What causes Spine pain ?
In most cases, the Spine pain are "common", that is to say benign. They are often the result of osteoarthritis of the vertebral joints (facet joints) or lesions of the intervertebral discs, which wear out with age.
The consultation with the doctor will better clarify the pain, in particular:
- its location (lumbar, cervical, dorsal, etc.)
- character (mechanical, inflammatory, night, etc.)
- the associated symptoms (stiffness, deformity, neurological signs, etc.)
- An X-ray or MRI can help the doctor make the diagnosis.
Some signs will receive special attention from the doctor because they can be associated with serious disorders of the spine. Here are some "red flags" or warning signs to know:
- Back pain in a person under 20 or over 55 years, especially if it is the first lumbago or an elderly woman (it can be a vertebral compression fracture caused due to a by osteoporosis)
- Presence of fever
- Pain following violent trauma
- Of insidious onset pain without triggering factor, or worsening (inflammatory lesion, tumor, infectious)
- Neurological signs
- Associated chest pain
- Radiating pain in one leg (sciatica or femoral neuropathy, herniated disc)
What Treatement for relieving aches in the spine?
The treatment of mechanical pain (sprains, herniated disc, etc.) begins with patient education: it must understand where the problem is and how it can be remedied.
gentle manual or mechanical techniques.
It is about lumbar traction, mobilization and manipulation.
The lumbar traction are manual or mechanical traction exerted in the axis of the column to decrease the pressure on the vertebrae or discs between the vertebrae.
The mobilization like gentle handling, but not exceeding the normal play of the joint.
The handling, meanwhile, is to put the maximum voltage vertebra and carry beyond the normal play of the joint.
sometimes we hear a crack.
Current medical literature speaks of comparable effectiveness of these techniques. Normally, there is an improvement after five treatment sessions. Avoid treatments that last for months or years.
Meanwhile, various health professionals use several methods that are designed to reduce pain or to relax, but do not change the mechanical problem: ultrasound, laser, balms, acupuncture, TENS (analgesic electric current), massage, biofeedback .
On prescription, can be obtained anti-inflammatory, analgesic and receive cortisone injections. It should be emphasized that the cortisone, a potent anti-inflammatory, does not alter the mechanical problem.
Surgical intervention.
It is indicated as a last resort.
exercise programs.
In the long term, for mechanical problems related to osteoarthritis or a disc injury, regular exercise programs are the best form of treatment.
A good training program has three components:
- Aerobic exercises,
- bodybuilding,
- stretching.
These exercises should be performed at least three times a week.
Spine pain: Definition, Symptomes, Causes, Treatement for male and female
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