Fibromyalgia pain : Definition, Symptomes, Statistcs
What is Fibromyalgia ?
- headaches
- Muscle stiffness
- and have difficulty sleeping.
Well the exact cause remains unclear people with fibromyalgia tend to suffer from pain nobleman levels and two-step sleep patterns
Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Its symptoms usually vary from patient to patient and can often be portend from changes in the weather, changes in stress levels, and changes in physical activity,It affects an estimated 1 in 20 people worldwide and typically develops in people aged between 30 and 60 years of age that said it can take time people have any age including children
It can be difficult to diagnose a symptoms can often be similar to other conditions and a specific test does not yet exist
Fibromyalgia pain : Definition, Symptomes, Statistcs
Reviewed by Unknown
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