Sciatica : Natural cure
Sciatica is a generic term which designates a neuralgia of the sciatic nerve. It can be caused by irritation, inflammation, pinching or compression of the sciatic nerve (especially in the case of disc herniation). The pain can radiate the sciatic nerve of the buttocks to the foot, and be as bright as an electric shock. The sciatic can be chronic or recurrent.
Recommended plants
Although having poor reputation, nettle is recommended to combat joint pain. Its aerial parts are used in internal use (tea, liquid extract, capsules) or external (poultice). Nettle is recognized by W.H.O. and the ESCOP in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatic and sciatic pain.
If Hypericum is above all considered as a natural antidepressant, he is also known for its action on the nerves and to ease nerve pain from sciatica type. Its flowering are used externally as a poultice, for their anti-inflammatory properties.
Arnica is the plant of the athletes. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory natural, mountain arnica is used exclusively for external use (except in homeopathic use), because of its high toxicity. Ointment, lotion, gel, arnica is recognized in its traditional use by who, the ESCOP and is registered in the French Pharmacopoeia
The Peppermint
Although no clinical evidence, the Commission E (German) recognizes the traditional use of the Peppermint for pain related to the sciatic nerve, but in the form of essential oil (to rub).
Sciatica : Natural cure
Reviewed by Unknown

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