10 Heart disease symptoms never to ignore
What disease causes large number of deaths every year ? about 40% of death worldwide are attached to heart diseases. Heart diseases have some symptoms which lost over the time.
10 heart disease symptoms never to ignore:
1. Anxiety
Heart attack can cause intense anxiety or fear of death, heart attack survivors often talk about having experienced a sense of impending doom.
2. Chest discomfort
Pain in the chest is the classic symptom of heart attack, and the number one symptom that doctors typically look for.
heart related just pain is often centered under the breast bone perhaps a little to the left of center, the pain has been like him to an elephant sitting on the chest, but it can also be an uncomfortable sensation of pressure squeezing or fulness.
3. Cough
Persistent coughing or wheezing can be a symptom of heart failure. in some cases people with heart failure, cough up bloody phlegm.
4. Dizziness
Heart attacks can cause lightheadedness and loss of consciousness .
5. Fatigue
Especially among women, unusual fatigue can occur during heart attack as well as in the days and weeks leading up to one.
6. Nausea or lack of appetite
it is not uncommon for people to feel sick to their stomach or throw up during heart attack.
7. Pain in other parts of the body
In many heart attacks pain begins in the chest and spreads to the shoulders, arms, elbows, back, neck jaw, or abdomen.
8. Rapid or irregular pulse
Doctors say that there is usually nothing worrisome about an occasional skipped heartbeat but to rapid or irregular pulse especially when accompanied by weakness dizziness or shortness of breath can be evidence of a heart attack.
9. Sweating
Breaking out in a cold sweat is a common symptom of heart attack .
10. Swelling
Heart failure can cause fluid to accumulate in the body .
10 Heart disease symptoms never to ignore
Reviewed by Unknown

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